Research and Application on the Unpowered Dust Removal Technology for Belt Conveyor Coal Handling System in Alpine Region
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, the coal preparation plant of Shenbao Energy Company was regarded as the engineering background. Based on Euler model, soft ball collision model and discrete element model (DEM), the running rule of material in coal falling pipe of belt conveyor coal handling system in alpine region was numerical simulated, the mechanism and reason of dust production in the belt conveyor coal handling system were analyzed and studied.The existing belt conveyor coal handling system was reformed by using the technology of unpowered dust removal, and the industrial test was carried out in 302# belt conveyor coal handling system. The test results showed that after the reform of belt conveyor coal handling system, the amount of coal dust collected for conveying each ton of coal reduces from 1.810 g to 0.022 g, and the overall decline is about 98.7%, the dust mass concentration in the air fells below 2 mg/m3. It overcomes the disadvantages of traditional dust control technology, the dust production in the belt conveyor coal handling system is restrained from the source, and the dust concentration in the working space is effectively reduced.