Gas Control Technology for Fast Winning of Short-wall Coal Face of Extra-think Seam in Deep Mine
Graphical Abstract
To aim at the problem of gas prevention and control in the fast extraction of short-wall face of extra-thick seam in the deep mine, prediction was carried out on the gas emission in the excavation and mining process of 6305 fully mechanized caving face in Tangkou Mine by taking this face as the engineering example and using the different-source prediction method, and the analysis was made on the composition of the gas emission. Based on the gas emission characteristics, a comprehensive technology system of gas drainage by high-level boreholes, burying pipes at the corner angle and gas drainage by the tailgate and horizontal boreholes was put forward for the gas prevention and control in the fully mechanized short-wall caving face of the extra-thick seam. The effect of the comprehensive gas prevention and control was investigated, and the gas drainage pattern of different methods was summarized. The practice showed that the comprehensive gas prevention and control technology could ensure the safe production of the fully mechanized top-coal caving face.