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ZHOU Jun. Analysis of the Main Structural Features of Gas Occurrence in Wudong Coal Mine[J]. Mining Safety & Environmental Protection, 2018, 45(3): 108-111.
Citation: ZHOU Jun. Analysis of the Main Structural Features of Gas Occurrence in Wudong Coal Mine[J]. Mining Safety & Environmental Protection, 2018, 45(3): 108-111.

Analysis of the Main Structural Features of Gas Occurrence in Wudong Coal Mine

  • In view of the obvious difference in gas occurrence between north and south of Wudong Coal Mine in Xinjiang, combined with the structural features of the mining area, this paper analyzed the characteristics of main control structure of gas occurrence in Wudong Coal Mine. Through the analysis of geological structure evolution, the measurement of underground gas parameters and the statistics of gas emission data from underground coal working face.The main control structure of gas occurrence in Wudong Coal Mine was determined, which was Wanyaogou thrust fault and its recoil fault F3-4 and Badaowan syncline. The results showed that the main control structure divides the mining area into three gas geological units, relative gas emission amount of the working face in low gas area is 0.65 m3/t in Qidaowan anticline, relative gas emission amount of the working face in high gas area is 9.59 m3/t in Badaowan syncline north wing, relative gas emission amount of the working face in low gas area is 1.41 m3/t in Badaowan syncline southwing. The distribution of gas occurrence and gas disaster was obviously controlled by the main control structure in Wudong Coal Mine.
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