Research and application of deep hole blasting roof breaking technology in the prevention and control of deep well rock burst
Graphical Abstract
Addressing the issues of extensive influence, strong destructive capacity, high occurrence frequency, and difficulty in prevention and control associated with rock bursts, this study uses the 1303 working face of Lilou Coal Industry as a case background. Based on relevant requirements and site conditions, a reasonable breaking roof blasting procedure and borehole arrangement plan were developed. The effectiveness of the roof pressure relief at the 1303 working face was evaluated through micro-seismic monitoring, stress monitoring, and observations of pressurization pacing. Experimental results indicate a significant decrease in the frequency of energy events above 104 J, while the frequency of events below 103 J increased. The energy release value per unit advance decreased by 40.77%. The total number of early warnings decreased by 33. 33%, with warning locations concentrated at distances of 0 m to 1.5 m and 6.0 m to 6.5 m from the breaking roof borehole. The periodic pressurization pacing decreased by 5.1% year-on-year, and the average surrounding rock deformation reduced by 40.9% year-on-year. These findings demonstrate the successful achievement of objectives such as compromising roof integrity, reducing roof hanging length, decreasing pressurization pacing, and releasing the elastic energy of the rock mass. The pressure relief technology implemented for this working face has proven effective and can significantly reduce the risk of rock bursts.