• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • Scopus, DOAJ, CA, AJ, JST收录期刊


Study on the influence range of heat release of coal seam expansion permeability enhanced material on coal mass

  • 摘要: 为了研究煤层膨胀增透材料水化反应放热对煤体的作用范围,通过自制的实验装置测定了膨胀材料的膨胀压力及反应温度随时间的变化数据,并采用数值模拟分析了膨胀材料在升温与降温阶段,对钻孔周围煤体的温度影响规律及影响范围。研究结果表明:煤层膨胀增透材料水化反应产生的最大膨胀压力约为47 MPa,最高水化反应温度为103.5 ℃;膨胀材料温度变化可分为缓慢升温、快速升温、降速升温和降温4个阶段;在直径100 mm膨胀钻孔条件下,煤体受膨胀材料的温度作用半径可达1.2 m,可有效增加该范围内的瓦斯分子动能,加速瓦斯解吸,提高瓦斯抽采效率。


    Abstract: In order to study the influence range of hydration reaction heat release of coal seam expansion permeability enhanced material on coal mass, the expansive pressure of the expansive material and the change of reaction temperature with time were measured by self-made test device. The temperature change and influence range of coal mass around the borehole were analyzed by numerical simulation when the expansive material was heating up and cooling down. The results show that the maximum expansion pressure generated by the hydration reaction of permeability enhanced material of coal seam expansion is about 47 MPa, and the maximum hydration temperature is 103.5 ℃; the temperature change of expansive material can be divided into four stages, namely slow temperature rise, rapid temperature rise, accelerated temperature rise and cooling; under the condition of expansion borehole with a diameter of 100 mm, the radius of the coal subject to the temperature of the expansive material can reach 1.2 m, which can effectively increase the molecular kinetic energy of gas within this range, accelerate gas desorption and improve gas extraction efficiency.


