• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • Scopus, DOAJ, CA, AJ, JST收录期刊


Study on rheological properties of Mg(OH)2 modified fire prevention paste

  • 摘要: 为了研究阻燃材料氢氧化镁Mg (OH)2对改性粉煤灰膏体防灭火剂流变特性的影响,采用黏度仪及塌落桶对改性后的多种配比的粉煤灰膏体的表观黏度、屈服应力、塌落度、扩展度及泌水率等流变参数进行检测,结果表明:随着Mg (OH)2质量分数(1%~5%)的增加,膏体体系内部的颗粒质量分数增加,膏体的表观黏度和屈服应力都有明显提高;Mg (OH)2能够吸附更多的游离水,导致膏体的塌落度、扩展度和泌水率相应减小,膏体不易失去水分,不发生沉淀、龟裂等;在粉煤灰质量分数为60%~65%,Mg (OH)2的质量分数小于3%时,能够保证防灭火膏体流变特性,同时可增强保水性,减小颗粒团聚和絮凝,使其不易发生离析和沉淀;当Mg (OH)2的质量分数大于4%时,膏体泌水率小于1.5%的规定值,使其失去膏体特性。


    Abstract: In order to explore the influence of flame retardant magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) on the rheological properties of the fire-fighting agent of modified fly ash paste, the rheological parameters such as apparent viscosity, yield stress, slump, expansion and bleeding rate of modified fly ash paste of various proportions were measured by viscosity meter and collapse barrel. The results show that with the increase of Mg(OH)2 mass fraction (from 1% to 5%), the particle mass fraction in the paste system increase, and the apparent viscosity and yield stress of the paste increase significantly; Mg(OH)2 can absorb more free water, resulting in the slump, expansion and bleeding rate of the paste are correspondingly reduce, the paste does not easily lose moisture and precipitates, cracks, etc.; when the mass fraction of fly ash is from 60% to 65% and the mass fraction of Mg(OH)2 is less than 3%, the rheological properties of fire-fighting paste can be guaranteed, enhancing the water retention property and reducing agglomeration and flocculation of particles, and make it difficult to isolate and precipitate; when the mass fraction of Mg(OH)2 is greater than 4%, the paste bleeding rate is less than the specified value of 1.5%, which makes it lose the paste characteristics.


