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  • 中国科技核心期刊
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朱菁, 兰波, 肖正

朱菁, 兰波, 肖正. 瓦斯蓄热氧化装置烟气循环利用模拟研究[J]. 矿业安全与环保, 2017, 44(4): 28-31.
引用本文: 朱菁, 兰波, 肖正. 瓦斯蓄热氧化装置烟气循环利用模拟研究[J]. 矿业安全与环保, 2017, 44(4): 28-31.
ZHU Jing, LAN Bo, XIAO Zheng. Simulation Study on Flue Gas Circulating Utilization in Gas Regenerative Oxidition Unit[J]. Mining Safety & Environmental Protection, 2017, 44(4): 28-31.
Citation: ZHU Jing, LAN Bo, XIAO Zheng. Simulation Study on Flue Gas Circulating Utilization in Gas Regenerative Oxidition Unit[J]. Mining Safety & Environmental Protection, 2017, 44(4): 28-31.




  • 中图分类号: TD712;X706

Simulation Study on Flue Gas Circulating Utilization in Gas Regenerative Oxidition Unit

  • 摘要: 为了提高瓦斯蓄热氧化装置的热效率,将其排放的高温烟气送至该装置入口,并与入口原料气掺混,充分利用烟气余热提高装置入口瓦斯温度。对瓦斯蓄热氧化装置高温烟气循环利用过程进行模拟计算,分析其对蓄热氧化过程的影响。模拟研究结果表明:烟气循环不但没有降低蓄热氧化装置的安全性,而且还可增加该装置输出高温烟气的流量和热量,并可减少装置的气体排放量。
    Abstract: In order to improve the thermal efficiency of the gas regenerative oxidation unit, the discharged high temperature flue gas is delivered to the inlet of the unit and mixed with the raw material gas at the inlet so as to fully use the waste heat of the flue gas to improve the gas temperature at the inlet.Simulation calculation was carried out on the circulation process of the high temperature flue gas in the gas regenerative oxidation unit, and analysis was made on its influence upon the regenerative oxidation process. The simulation results showed that the flue gas circulation improved the safety of the regenerative oxidation unit, increased the flow and heat quantity of the high temperature flue gas and reduced the gas discharge from the unit.
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-11-29
  • 修回日期:  2017-06-25
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-09-16


