• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • Scopus, DOAJ, CA, AJ, JST收录期刊


Study on Grading of Major Gas Hazard in Coal Mine Based on Z-number

  • 摘要: 为了更加有针对性地防治瓦斯灾害,有必要对瓦斯危险源进行科学评价和治理。从瓦斯危险源导致事故发生的可能性、严重程度和应急救援3个角度,建立瓦斯重大危险源分级评价模型,并结合同煤集团寺塔煤矿实际情况,应用层次分析和基于Z-number模糊数的模糊综合评价方法进行计算。结果表明:该煤矿瓦斯重大危险源的等级为二级,一旦发生瓦斯事故则有可能造成重大事故,须加强监控;各评价指标的排序为瓦斯防控措施>人员意识>作业人数>装备水平> ……>医疗条件。结合研究结果构建煤矿瓦斯重大危险源管控模型,该模型在瓦斯危险源等级评价和管理方面具有实用性和有效性,但还有待深入研究细化评价指标体系。


    Abstract: In order to prevent and control gas disaster more pertinently, it is necessary to evaluate and control gas hazard scientifically. A grading evaluation model of major gas hazard was established, from the prospective of the possibility of gas accident, severity and emergency rescue. Combined with the actual situation of Sita Coal Mine of Tongmei Group, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on Z-number fuzzy number were applied for calculation. The results show that the grade of major gas hazard in this coal mine is level 2, and once gas accident occurs, it may cause major accident, so the monitoring should be strengthened; the ranking of each evaluation index is gas prevention measure > staff awareness > number of workers > equipment level > … > medical conditions. Combined with the research results, a major gas hazard management and control model of coal mine is constructed, this model is practical and effective in the grade evaluation and management of gas hazard, but it still needs further study to refine the evaluation index system.


