Study on Spontaneous Combustion Characteristics of Coal Secondary Oxidation based on TG-FTIR
摘要: 为探究煤二次氧化的自燃特性,采用热重、红外光谱联用的实验方法,对原煤样及预氧化煤样进行对比研究,结果表明:原煤样及预氧化煤样的总反应历程相似;随着煤的预氧化程度的加深,煤样燃点之前的特征温度先降低后增高,燃点之后的特征温度变化则不明显;随着煤的预氧化程度的加深,煤样燃点之前的逸出气体量先增加后减少,燃点之后则基本不变;预氧化煤样的活化能比原煤样有所下降,且随着预氧化程度的加深煤样的活化能先降低后增高,其中预氧化至160 ℃时煤样活化能达到最低。因此,预氧化煤样的氧化性要强于原煤样,更容易发生自燃。Abstract: In order to explore the spontaneous combustion characteristics of coal secondary oxidation,a comparative study was carried out on raw coal samples and pre-oxidized coal samples by means of TG-FTIR.The results show that the overall reaction process of raw coal and pre-oxidized coal is similar;with the pre-oxidation degree of coal deepens,the characteristic temperature before the coal sample burning point first decreases and then increases,while the characteristic temperature change is not obvious after the burning point;with the pre-oxidation degree of coal deepens,the amount of gas released before coal sample ignition point first increases and then decreases,while the amount after combustion point basically remains unchanged;activation energy of pre-oxidation coal sample is lower than that of the raw coal sample,the activation energy of coal sample first decreases and then increases with the degree of pre-oxidation deepens,the activation energy reaches the minimum at the pre-oxidation temperature of 160 ℃.Therefore,the oxidation property of pre-oxidized coal sample is better than that of raw coal sample,and spontaneous combustion is more likely to occur.
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