Comprehensive Detection and Treatmant Technology for Concealed Collapse Columm in Working Face
摘要: 针对工作面隐伏陷落柱可能对安全生产造成的不利影响,采用CT成像技术探测陷落柱范围和TEM技术探测陷落柱富水性,通过超前探测、分析研判,采取系统的防治水措施,有效地防控了陷落柱对安全生产的影响。Abstract: To counter the fact that the concealed collapse column in the working face may have adverse effect on safety production, CT imaging tehnique was applied to detect the scope of the collapse columns and TEM technique was applied to detect the water yield property of the collapse column, through the advance detection and scientific analysis and by taking water control measures, the influence of the collapse columm on the safety production was under effective control.