• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • Scopus, DOAJ, CA, AJ, JST收录期刊


Simulation and Study on the Movement Law of Surrounding Rock in Jinhuagong Coal Mine

  • 摘要: 针对晋华宫煤矿多煤层开采围岩受开采扰动影响较大的问题,确定开采过程中围岩运动变形规律是研究受采动影响围岩破坏机理的前提。采用相似材料模拟方法,分析了多煤层开采覆岩变形、破坏及垮落状况和围岩应力分布规律;通过数值模拟对多煤层开采产生的复杂应力场、位移场和煤层间相互影响规律进行了系统研究。研究结果表明:晋华宫煤矿多煤层开采过程中11#煤层8714工作面前方5 m处支承压力最大达到14.2 MPa,应力集中系数1.6;其邻近的2714巷道支承压力最大为12.8 MPa,应力集中系数1.5,影响范围15 m。分析得出,11#煤层8716工作面两巷受到上煤层8714工作面采动、本煤层侧向支承压力与超前支承压力的共同影响,最终使5716巷道处于动态高应力状态,围岩发生持续失稳破坏。


    Abstract: In view of the problem that the mining disturbance has a great influence on surrounding rock of the coal mining in Jinhuagong Coal Mine, to determine the deformation law of the surrounding rock during the mining process is the precondition of studying the failure mechanism of the surrounding rock. In this paper,the method of similar material simulation was adopted to analyze the deformation, failure and collapse of multi-seam mining overburden and the stress distribution of surrounding rock stress. The systematic research of the interaction between complex stress field, displacement field and coal seam was carried out by numerical simulation. The results showed that the supporting pressure was up to 14.2 MPa and the stress concentration coefficient was 1.6 at 5 m in the front of the 8714 working face of the coal seam in the multi-seam mining process. The stress of the neighboring 2714 roadway was about 12.8 MPa, the stress concentration coefficient was 1.5, and the influence range was 15 m. The conclusion showed that the 8716 working face of the 11# coal seam was affected by the 8714 working face of the upper coal seam, the lateral bearing pressure of the coal seam and the pressure of the advanced bearing, and finally the 5716 lane was in the dynamic high stress state, the surrounding rock had sustained destabilizing damage.


