Experiment of Distributed Optical Fiber Technology in Mine Temperature Measurement
摘要: 矿井温度异常将会导致矿井火灾和重大事故的发生,为此利用分布式光纤测温技术实现对矿井温度的在线监测和预警。通过室内实验装置对传感光缆的温度系数进行标定,同时把该测温系统布置在某矿区61101回风巷内,进行为期半个多月的在线监测,结果表明:利用该测温技术处理得到的温度变化曲线能准确反映巷道温度变化趋势,曲线上异常点区域可作为精准判断温度异常位置的依据;700 m长测线系统布置能够较好地适应现场环境,其获得的数据量丰富可靠,曲线特征明显。该测温技术定位精度高、运行可靠,且能适应长距离监测,满足矿井温度监测需要。Abstract: The abnormal temperature will lead to the occurrence of mine fire and major accidents, for this purpose, the distributed optical fiber temperature measurement technology is used to realize the online monitoring and early warning of mine temperature. The temperature coefficient of the optical fiber cable is calibrated by an indoor experimental device, and the temperature measuring system is arranged in 61101 air return way in a coal mining area and the online monitoring was conducted for more than half a month. The test results showed that the temperature variation curves processed by this temperature measurement technology could accurately reflect the trend of the temperature variation in the roadway, the regional abnormal spots on the curve could be used as the basis for accurately judging the abnormal position of the temperature; 700 m long line layout system could well adapt to the site environment, the amount of data is rich and reliable, and the characteristics of the curve is obvious. This temperature measurement technology is of high positioning accuracy and reliable operation and can be used for long distance temperature monitoring and meet the needs of mine temperature monitoring.
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