Based on the energy theory of coal and gas outburst, a three-dimensional structural stress model of outburst coal mass was established, and the gas elastic potential energy and gas internal energy equation of outburst coal mass were derived by using the knowledge of elastic-plastic mechanics and mathematical solution method, which provided a theoretical basis and implementation path for borehole cavitation inducing outburst technology. Two inducing outburst technical measures of borehole hydraulic cavitation inducing outburst and blasting inducing outburst were tested in the field. The results show that the energy dissipation mechanism of borehole cavitation inducing outburst conforms to the derived gas energy equation and structural stress model. In addition, for the actual conditions of the test mine, there is a threshold value when the two inducing outburst technical measures are applied. When the coal seam gas content of the test mine is greater than 9 m
3/t, the hydraulic cavitation inducing outburst technology should be used, otherwise the blasting inducing outburst technology should be used. Practice has proved that the two inducing outburst technical measures have significantly improved the gas control effect of the test mine.